


Mosaicoon is a leading provider of branded video production and distribution services to enable major European consumer brands to engage with online audiences. Video is the medium of choice to connect emotionally with consumers and Mosaicoon is exploring how video might be created more quickly to create social engagement in innovative ways. Mosaicoon has been recognised by many awards including most recently the 45th edition of the Key Award in Milan for its video promoting the Samsung Galaxy S4 Active (videos of the award and the winning video are here


Vie Carratt was chosen to help define possible future market positions for Mosaicoon and to evaluate its expansion and funding plans. This was based on both our understanding of the market and investment knowledge. We worked closely with the Mosaicoon’s founder, Ugo Parodi Giusino and other members of the management team.


Since 2014, we have been working closely with the CEO and management team providing ad hoc business advice including ongoing support for the most recent round of funding and help in the international expansion in the UK and Asia Pacific.


Ugo Parodi, CEO & Founder of Mosaicoon:

“I am surprised by Vie Carratt’s detailed knowledge of the marketing industry, social media markets and their practical knowledge of how to communicate this effectively to investors and the other key influencers of long term, equity value.”